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Oxford Discover 5. Writing and Spelling Book - Primary Course

Creating young thinkers with great futures

€ 24,95
ISBN: 978-0-19-427886-7
Produktreihe: Oxford Primary Courses
Fach: Englisch
Kategorie: Schulbücher

Niveaustufe der Produktreihe:
Primary Courses - Beginner to Elementary (Pre A1 - B2.1)

  • Winner The British Council ELTons 2015 - Excellence in Course Innovation Award
  • First Place School Ancilliary Series and First Place Cover Design - The Book Industry Guild of New York Design Awards

Imaginative stories, opinion essays, process reports. How do you help your students write engaging, interesting, well-structured pieces of writing? How do you help them organize their ideas and successfully follow the writing process?

Oxford Discover Writing and Spelling introduces students to a wide range of creative and academic text types and guides them through the writing process. It takes them from thinking and planning through to writing and then editing.

think -- plan -- write -- edit

This native speaker approach to writing is supported with useful spelling strategies, providing students with all the tools they need to write confidently in English.

Use alongside Oxford Discover or on its own to help your students develop their writing skills.

  • A wide range of creative and academic text types
  • Four stage writing process used by native speakers
  • Step by step support for brainstorming and organising ideas
  • Graphic organizers and planning tools such as word webs, time lines, story maps, and Venn diagrams
  • Lots of opportunities for students to personalise their writing
  • Spelling Master Class with strategies to work out how to spell and remember words
  • Use alongside Oxford Discover or on its own


  1. Young Explorers Level 2. Class Book
    Young Explorers Level 2. Class Book Beginner to Intermediate (A1 - B1)


  1. First Explorers Level 1. Teacher's Book
    First Explorers Level 1. Teacher's Book Beginner to Intermediate (A1 - B1)
  2. First Explorers Level 2. Teacher's Book
    First Explorers Level 2. Teacher's Book Beginner to Intermediate (A1 - B1)
  3. Young Explorers Level 1. Teacher's Book
    Young Explorers Level 1. Teacher's Book Beginner to Intermediate (A1 - B1)
  4. Young Explorers Level 2. Teacher's Book
    Young Explorers Level 2. Teacher's Book Beginner to Intermediate (A1 - B1)

Materialien für Lehrer:innen

  1. Happy Street 1 New Edition. Teacher's Resource Pack
    Happy Street 1 New Edition. Teacher's Resource Pack (2 Posters, Flashcards, Evaluation Booklets, Song Cards, Teacher's Resource Book)
Verlag Oxford University Press
Geeignet für Mittelschule, AHS
Schulstufe Allg. Sonderschule
1. - 2. Klasse Mittelschule
1. - 2. Klasse AHS
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