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Cambridge Young Learners English Tests Flyers Teacher's Pack

Practice tests for the Cambridge English: Flyers Tests

€ 39,99
ISBN: 978-0-19-457723-6
Produktreihe: Certificates in English
Fach: Englisch
Kategorie: Lehrerhandbücher

Four full-colour practice tests for the Cambridge English: Flyers level. Elementary (A2)

Four practice tests for the Cambridge English: Flyers level. Illustrations are in full colour. Provides 7-12 year-olds with realistic practice in the Listening, Reading and Writing, and Speaking papers.


  • Author is highly experienced Cambridge ESOL examiner and has a thorough knowledge of the Cambridge English: Young Learners tests.
  • For use with any primary course.
  • Includes complimentary Audio CD.
  • Student's Book includes Flyers Vocabulary List.
  • Teacher's Booklet includes Answer Keys and transcripts, Teaching tips, Revision tips, and Tips for test day.

Practice tests help your pupils know what to expect in the exam and feel more confident.
Our practice tests cover all the papers for each exam. Our authors are all highly experienced exam teachers or examiners.

Materialien für Lehrer:innen

  1. Cambridge English Advanced Practice Tests Tests Without Key
    Cambridge English Advanced Practice Tests Tests Without Key Four tests for the 2015 Cambridge English: Advanced exam

Materialien für Schüler:innen

  1. FCE Practice Tests. With key and 2 Audio-CD
    FCE Practice Tests. With key and 2 Audio-CD For the revised First Certificate in English
Verlag Oxford University Press
Geeignet für Mittelschule, AHS
Schulstufe 1. - 4. Klasse Mittelschule
1. - 4. Klasse AHS
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