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Cambridge English Advanced Practice Tests Tests Without Key

Four tests for the 2015 Cambridge English: Advanced exam

€ 41,95
ISBN: 978-0-19-451267-1
Produktreihe: Certificates in English
Fach: Englisch
Kategorie: Materialien für Lehrer:innen

Four practice tests for the 2015 Cambridge English: Advanced exam, with access to additional practice online.

This set of four practice tests replicates the 2015 Cambridge English: Advanced exam in level, content, and format. The With Key edition includes access to an additional complete online practice test, and the Without Key edition includes access to an online practice test extract.


  • Four print practice tests; one online practice test (With Key edition only), online practice test extract (Without Key edition only)
  • Audio CD with all accompanying listening material (With Key edition only)
  • Helpful assessment criteria for Speaking and Writing tasks Model answers for the Writing tasks provide students with a framework to help them improve With Key edition only)
  • Online test and online test extract feature automatic marking, feedback and online dictionary look-up. They can also be teacher-managed through a learning management system (LMS)


  • Practice tests help your students know what to expect in the exam, feel more confident and improve their results. This set of four practice tests replicate the 2015 Cambridge English: Advanced exam in level, content, and format. They also include helpful assessment criteria for Speaking and Writing tasks.
  • The With Key edition includes audio scripts and access to an additional complete online practice test, and the Without Key edition includes access to an online practice test extract.
  • The online exam practice at oxfordenglishtesting.com gives students the chance to study at home with instant support at the click of a button. This includes automatic marking with feedback on answers, an online dictionary look-up, exam tips and sample answers.


  1. Cambridge Young Learners English Tests Flyers Teacher's Pack
    Cambridge Young Learners English Tests Flyers Teacher's Pack Practice tests for the Cambridge English: Flyers Tests

Materialien für Schüler:innen

  1. FCE Practice Tests. With key and 2 Audio-CD
    FCE Practice Tests. With key and 2 Audio-CD For the revised First Certificate in English
Verlag Oxford University Press
Geeignet für AHS, Berufsschule, BMHS, Erwachsenenbildung
Exportbeschränkungen Das Produkt darf nicht in die folgenden Länder geliefert werden: Belarus, Russland