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Business Result 2. Edition

  • Praxisorientiert
  • Motivierend
  • Perfekt für Berufstätige
Business Result 2. Edition

18 Ergebnisse

  1. Business Result. 2 Ed. Elementary (A1-A2). Student's Book with Online Practice
    Business Result. 2 Ed. Elementary (A1-A2). Student's Book with Online Practice Business English you can take to work today
    € 58,95
  2. Business Result. 2 Ed. Starter (A1). Student's Book with Online Practice
    Business Result. 2 Ed. Starter (A1). Student's Book with Online Practice Business English you can take to work today
    € 50,95
  3. Business Result. 2 Ed. Advanced (C1-C2). Student's Book with Online Practice
    Business Result. 2 Ed. Advanced (C1-C2). Student's Book with Online Practice Business English you can take to work today
    € 60,95
  4. Business Result. 2 Ed. Advanced (C1-C2). Teacher's Book and DVD
    Business Result. 2 Ed. Advanced (C1-C2). Teacher's Book and DVD Business English you can take to work today
    € 55,95
  5. Business Result. 2 Ed. Elementary (A1-A2). Teacher's Book and DVD
    Business Result. 2 Ed. Elementary (A1-A2). Teacher's Book and DVD Business English you can take to work today
    € 58,95
  6. Business Result. 2 Ed. Intermediate (B1-B2). Teacher's Book and DVD
    Business Result. 2 Ed. Intermediate (B1-B2). Teacher's Book and DVD Business English you can take to work today
    € 58,95
  7. Business Result. 2 Ed. Starter (A1) Teacher's Book and DVD
    Business Result. 2 Ed. Starter (A1) Teacher's Book and DVD Business English you can take to work today
    € 35,95
  8. Business Result. 2 Ed. Upper-intermediate ( B2-C1). Teacher's Book and DVD
    Business Result. 2 Ed. Upper-intermediate ( B2-C1). Teacher's Book and DVD Business English you can take to work today
    € 58,95

18 Ergebnisse


Business Result Second Edition offers business professionals more communication and language practice than ever before, helping students develop relevant communication skills they can use immediately in the workplace.