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Read and Discover 1: Eyes. Activity Book

Level 1, 5. Schulstufe

€ 8,95
ISBN: 978-0-19-464650-5
Produktreihe: Oxford Read and Discover
Fach: Englisch, Bilingualer Unterricht
Kategorie: Schulbücher

300 Headwords / Word count: 672

A comprehensive range of non-fiction topics that can be used for cross-curricular work makes it easy to bring CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) into your classroom and motivate your students.

Read and discover all about eyes.

  • How many eyes does a spider have?
  • Can animals see in the dark?

Activity Book:
Additional reading, writing, and grammar practice for each chapter of the reader /Consolidation activities / A book review / Answers to the activities can be found on the teacher's website.


  1. Read and Discover 2: Cities
    Read and Discover 2: Cities Level 2, 5. Schulstufe
  2. Read and Discover 3: Sound And Music
    Read and Discover 3: Sound And Music Level 3, ab 5./6. Schuljahr
  3. Read and Discover 3: Your Five Senses
    Read and Discover 3: Your Five Senses Level 3, ab 5./6. Schuljahr
  4. Read and Discover 6: Incredible Energy
    Read and Discover 6: Incredible Energy Level 6, ab 7./8. Schulstufe
Verlag Oxford University Press
Geeignet für Mittelschule, AHS
Schulstufe Allg. Sonderschule
1. Klasse Mittelschule
1. Klasse AHS
Bindung broschiert
Ausstattung 14,8 x 21 (A5)
Seiten 16
Exportbeschränkungen Das Produkt darf nicht in die folgenden Länder geliefert werden: Belarus, Russland