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Navigate B2 Upper-intermediate. Coursebook with DVD and Oxford Online Skills Program

Your direct route to English success

€ 49,95
ISBN: 978-0-19-456675-9
Produktreihe: Oxford Navigate
Fach: Englisch
Kategorie: Schulbücher

A brand new adult course based on academic research as to how adults best learn languages and extensive classroom research.

Coursebook with video DVD and Oxford Online Skills Program

Navigate is a brand new, six-level General English course tailored exclusively to adults. The course is based on academic research as to how adults best learn languages, and the Coursebook content has been extensively piloted in ELT classrooms across the world.

  • Innovative skills strand takes a bottom-up decoding approach to listening and reading.
  • Equal weight given to grammar and vocabulary learning with clear on-the-page practice.
  • Vocabulary based on the Oxford 3000 and levelled against the CEFR, giving learners the relevant language they need to communicate in the world today.
  • Clear aims and outcomes linked to the CEFR throughout the course.
  • Learners are immersed in themes and issues from around the world through content-rich, authentic texts that are really relevant to adult learners.
  • Focus on vocabulary systems and vocabulary-building techniques.
  • Real world video content provides integrated listening practice - video lesson in every unit plus vox pops throughout the course.
  • Speaking practice throughout each lesson to help learners become more confident at using new language in the real world.


  1. Navigate B2 Upper-intermediate. Teacher's Guide and Teacher's Resource Pack
    Navigate B2 Upper-intermediate. Teacher's Guide and Teacher's Resource Pack with Teacher's Support and Resource Disc and Photocopiable Materials
  2. Navigate C1 Advanced. Teacher's Guide and Teacher's Resource Pack
    Navigate C1 Advanced. Teacher's Guide and Teacher's Resource Pack with Teacher's Support and Resource Disc and Photocopiable Materials
Verlag Oxford University Press
Geeignet für AHS, BMHS, Erwachsenenbildung
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