✓ Qualitätsgesicherte Lehr- und Lerninhalte

✓ Kauf auf Rechnung

✓ Versandkostenfreie Lieferung in Österreich ab € 50,--

Über 400 Produktreihen mit mehr als 80.000 digitalen und gedruckten Zusatzmaterialien sorgen für Lernerfolg

Qualitätsgesicherte Lehr- und Lerninhalte von Österreichs größtem Bildungsverlag

Bequeme und sichere Zahlung per Rechnung

Versandkostenfreie Lieferung ab € 50,-- innerhalb von Österreich

Navigate B1+ Intermediate. Teacher's Guide and Teacher's Resource Pack

with Teacher's Support and Resource Disc and Photocopiable Materials

€ 82,95
ISBN: 978-0-19-456667-4
Produktreihe: Oxford Navigate
Fach: Englisch
Kategorie: Lehrerhandbücher

Your direct route to English success

The Teacher's Guide and Teacher's Support and Resource Disc Pack is a complete support package for teachers. It is designed for both experienced and new teachers and offers a wealth of resources to supplement lessons with Navigate.
Teile der Gruppe: Teacher's Guide + Teacher's Support and Resource Disc

- Extensive teaching notes for each lesson with additional pedagogical support offering tips on areas such as differentiation, critical thinking and smart communication strategies

  • Professional Development articles from our expert course consultants and advisers to get to grips with the course methodology
  • Photocopiables for extra grammar, vocabulary and communication practice in each unit - plus vox pop video worksheets

60 - second video overviews of each lesson from Series Adviser Catherine Walter to quickly prepare you for that day's lesson

  • Editable unit, progress and exit tests on the Teacher's Support and Resource Disc to keep your learners on track

Audio scripts and answer keys for ease of reference

What's on the Teacher's Support and Resource Disc?

  • Lesson overview videos
  • Editable Unit, Progress, and Exit tests with audio files
  • Photocopiable activities
  • Vox pops video worksheets
  • Audio and video scripts
  • Word lists
  • Student study record

Verlag Oxford University Press
Geeignet für BMHS, Erwachsenenbildung
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