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Incredible English 1. Activity Book

2nd Edition

€ 15,95
ISBN: 978-0-19-444240-4
Produktreihe: Einzeltitel
Fach: Englisch
Kategorie: Schulbücher

This updated course, now over seven levels, gives you even more brain-challenging activities and cross-curricular lessons. With new Online Practice, more opportunities for speaking and more Cambridge YLE Test practice, your class will learn Incredible English and more!

Walk into an Incredible English classroom and there is a buzz ... children acting out a story, using a Venn diagram or finishing a craft project confidently in English. The trusted methodology is based on things that children love, including:
1. A wide variety of fun activities that challenge children of all learning styles to think.
2. Learning other subjects and skills through English (CLIL - Content and Language Integrated Learning).
Now, with a great new digital package, more skills development and more Cambridge English: Young Learners support, you can help your class learn Incredible English and more ...

Verlag Oxford University Press
Geeignet für Volksschule
Schulstufe 1. - 4. Klasse VS Volksschule
Allg. Sonderschule
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