Family and Friends Starter. Teacher's Book Plus
Second Edition
ISBN: | 978-0-19-480882-8 |
Produktreihe: | Family and Friends 2nd Edition |
Fach: | Englisch |
Kategorie: | Lehrerhandbücher |
Teacher’s Book Plus Package with Fluency DVD and Assessment and Resource MultiROM
and Online Pratice.
Teacher's Book Plus gives you even more classroom support, with teaching notes and ideas for every lesson, teacher's access and Online Practice plus:
- Fluency DVD: Real-live video clips of "Everday English" sections to support and consolidate language.
- Assessment and Resource CD-ROM:
Assessment support for teachers and parents; Editable tests with audio; Comprehensive Cambridge English: Young Learners tests preparation; Extra writing resources; Class Book projects.
- Assessment Audio CD.
Verlag | Oxford University Press |
Geeignet für | Volksschule |
Schulstufe | 1. - 4. Klasse VS Volksschule Allg. Sonderschule |
Exportbeschränkungen | Das Produkt darf nicht in die folgenden Länder geliefert werden: Belarus, Russland |