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Über 400 Produktreihen mit mehr als 80.000 digitalen und gedruckten Zusatzmaterialien sorgen für Lernerfolg

Qualitätsgesicherte Lehr- und Lerninhalte von Österreichs größtem Bildungsverlag

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Family and Friends Level 2. Class Book with Student MultiROM

Second Edition - The CD content is now available via URL inside the book

€ 34,50
ISBN: 978-0-19-480830-9
Produktreihe: Family and Friends 2nd Edition
Fach: Englisch
Kategorie: Schulbücher

New Family and Friends 2nd Edition combines brand-new fluency, culture, assessment, and digital resources with the features teachers love from the first edition; fast-paced language, strong skills training, unique phonics programme, civic education and comprehensive testing.

Support and development for the whole child

  • Fluency Time! sections introduce functional, everyday language so pupils can hold a conversation from the very beginning
  • Hands-on project and craft activities provide fun, motivating speaking practice
  • Optional culture pages offer more variety and opportunities for cultural comparisons
  • Online Practice you can assign and track
  • Teacher’s Book Plus Package with Fluency DVD and Assessment and Resource MultiROM

Verlag Oxford University Press
Geeignet für Volksschule
Schulstufe 1. - 4. Klasse VS Volksschule
Allg. Sonderschule
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